
E-Channel is a project run by two leading E Commerce companies, one based in Plymouth Devon and the other in Vannes, Brittany. Both of these companies have joined together to share their expertise on entering new markets to create “E-Channel”.


E-Channel opens the door to new markets using E Commerce

E-Channel is a consultancy project whose aim is to work with a small and carefully selected number of companies who want to grow into new markets using E Commerce. This could be new markets in the UK, new markets outside of the UK or specifically new markets in France. As our partners are based in France we do expect more impact for companies who are looking to expand their markets into France and then onto the rest of the EU.  

E-commerce supported growth is something which many companies have tried but with a varying degree of success even within their own markets.  Accessing new markets for companies is something which can provide good rewards but can present a number of distinct challenges. E-Channel aims to create and provide a framework for new market entry for companies using a unique action based consultancy model and a unique data management control platform designed to help SMES conduct new market entry successfully.

The E-Channel Project offers the opportunity for companies to get access to experienced E Commerce consultants who will help and guide them through the process of new market evaluation and entry using digital information. 

Our remit is to provide advice on new market growth techniques and to provide help and advice on companies wishing to enter new markets successfully.

Two companies run the E-Channel Project: Vertical Plus (V+), an English company based in Plymouth and Soledis, a French company based in Vannes, have teamed up to become partners.

Together, we share complementary expertise and knowledge of our respective business areas as well as inside knowledge about our host countries which is vital to suppliers and manufacturers wishing to export but who might otherwise be put off by ‘going it alone’.

A new market is a group of potential customers of a business which that business has not yet engaged with.   They could be customers for existing products or businesses might develop new, similar products which they have refined or changed to suit the new market.   For example, a Devon based company might decide that their stained glass bowls have worked well to the local trade and they now want to try to sell those bowls using E Commerce to the rest of the UK.  Or the company might be selling well on Ebay.

SMEs will be at different stages of new market readiness; from approaching new market readiness or having had a go already to maybe just thinking about it.

The E-Channel Project offers a bespoke ‘onboarding’ service which will take both English and French SMEs through the preparation process from where they are to putting their product into the new market. 

The E-Channel Project offers an elegant partnership solution with a personalised team ready to support your company through dedicated consultancy services and technical solutions.

The E-Channel Project (supported by the EU) focuses specifically on companies wanting to grow in  two geographic areas: Brittany and Normandy in France and Devon and Cornwall in England.

We will create sustainable trade models for small suppliers and manufacturers in these areas.

We are endorsed by Chambers of Commerce on both sides of the Channel who share our goal of creating long term, sustainable, international business relationships, employment opportunities and regional regeneration.

E-Channel provides e-commerce support in a joined up package which would otherwise require working with a wide range of unconnected businesses and agencies; many of which will not be focused on the needs of SMEs.

Working together, our two companies, Vertical Plus and Soledis will create unique launch pads for SME new market growth by pooling our Business to Business (B2B) and Business to Customer (B2C) knowledge and expertise of our respective national markets to provide a unique range of services for SMEs on both sides of the Channel.

Getting Involved

If you would like to discuss your company’s potential involvement in the E-Channel project please visit www.e-channel.org or contact info@e-channel.org

The France (Channel) England Program is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

This project has been granted a total budget of €499,994 with total ERDF funding of €399,995.20 (80%) from the Interreg VA France (Channel) England Programme.

Interested in becoming an ecommerce partner?

Simply fill in the form below or contact us on 01752 424460 or email